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The great majority of people who actually “SEEK” support from the breakup of an ending romantic relationship have been abused by narcissists.  They are wanting answers because something doesn’t make sense. 


About 98% of my group members have have been a fuel source for a narcissist and 20% of that number have no idea what a narcissist is, which is not good. 


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the publication for the classification of mental disorders. (Also referred to as the DSM-5) 


The DSM cluster B personality disorders is the section where you will find Narcissism.


Quick reference guide:


What is a Narcissist to me? 

First, I would like to say that I believe we are all narcissistic about something.

Some people are narcissistic about their hair as one example.

Second, I believe Narcissism has a spectrum like Autism does to measure how

much it impacts what we think is a normal everyday life.

The worst side of the spectrum for Narcissism is if you are using "gaslighting" as a 

tool in your life. For the purposes of this article, I am referring to the worst side 

of the spectrum.


On that note, a narcissist is basically the equivalent of a Vampire. 


Vampires need blood to survive.  

Narcissists need your INTENSE suffering to survive. 

Vampires react violently to holy water touching their skin. 

Narcissists react violently to hearing the word, “No”. 


Vampires cannot go out in the sun.

Narcissists cannot EVER use the phrase, “I am sorry.” 

Vampires use their teeth.

Narcissists use gaslighting. 


The “mental” assault that narcissists use to terrorize you is no different than the results of a physical attack that we’ve come to know in the movies of which vampires inflict upon their victims. You’ve seen it. It's those scenes where the bloody mess is so bad that it looks like someone ran a human body through a woodchipper?


The narcissist runs your soul through the woodchipper using manipulation. You don’t lose your life though. 


You lose You. 

What is Gaslighting?




It is to manipulate someone by “psychological means” into questioning their own sanity. They sow seeds of doubt in their victims that cause the victim to question his/her judgment, perception and especially their own reality. 


Examples from group: 

  1. One member said her spouse told her that he should’ve known better than to marry her because of that time she ripped a receipt out of a young cashier’s hand because she was upset. The member told me that she had never ripped a receipt out of any human being’s hand in her entire lifetime. 

  2. Another said his spouse kept recalling events from a decade earlier like the time he almost had a wreck because another driver cut him off. She went further saying he got out of the car to scream at the other driver. Now he was sure he had almost had many wrecks in his life but that part about opening the car door and then walking up to a strangers car? He loved his wife dearly and since he didn’t know what gaslighting was, he actually went to the doctor and told the doctor that he must be having early onset dementia because he could not remember the event at all. (The seeds of doubt had sprouted within him) 

  3. One victim caught her husband cheating. She confronted him and he demanded a divorce. Her heart was full of sorrow. So what did he do next?  Well it wasn’t enough that she couldn’t sleep and cried all the time and started losing weight. So he went to the doctor and got a bottle of Viagra and put it right next to the stove. He wanted her to see it when she cooks. (keep in mind that they hadn’t had sex in more than six months and he had never had an erection problem in the 20 years they were together) 

  4. They tell you you’re wrong about everything and especially the way your feeling when you disagree with them.


There are many other examples.


The worst part comes when you find out that they have been planting those toxic seeds for many months or even years with your friends, children, and extended family. This way when the “discard” comes, a lot of your support system is gone. 


They are an Agents of Chaos.


How does one become a narcissist?


I always say that humans do not give birth to monsters. They are created by the people who raised them.


Read the following quotes...


“I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and Rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”


“There is something at work in my soul which I do not understand. ”


“The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone.”


I suspect Mary Shelley was surrounded by Narcissists, maybe even one in particular.


There are a lot of theories on how someone becomes a narcissist but all I can say is God help you, if you were the favorite of a narcissistic parent.


A little ironic now that Victor Von Frankenstein creates the  Frankenstein monster. 


How do I feel about them? I have a very surprising outlook on them. I am not ready to share this with you at this point. You're not ready.


I will tell you what a member’s spiritual mentor said to him once....


He went in for advice. The spiritual leader entered the room saying “Hello” and instantly the Divorce Group member angrily rattled off about 11 Incidences of gaslighting! He only stopped because his mentor held up his hand to interrupt him and said one word. 




He burst into tears instantly because he understood the Lesson. 


Do you? 


No matter how much you have suffered at the hands of your narcissist, it does not compare to how you’re narcissist suffered as a child at the hands of the Vampire that raised them. 


Be thankful that you were an adult when you survived your narcissist.


Please watch the YouTube videos that I have provided by HG Tudor. He is a narcissist and gives you a “silence of the lamb’s” view into his world. It is very educational. See Videos tab. 


Additional sources:


Mary Shelley, Frankenstein















1. Breaking the Bonds of Adult Child Abuse: A Biblical Textbook on Abusive Narcissistic Families, How They Operate, and How to Deal with Them

2. The Narcissistic Mother A - Z  by D T Bloom

3. Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers 

4. Were You Raised By A Narcissist?

5. You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers 



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