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  • Shannon Goertz

Alimony Argument $$

Q: my divorce leaves me feeling defeated and on the verge of just waiving the white flag. I know it’s not my STBX responsibly to still provide after this divorces final. I just dont understand how someone can just not care the financial impact on the mother of your children who supported you for 20+ years who stayed at home and traveled for your job to get you on the highest point of the ladder you wanted to be on. Who went back to work less than 3 yrs ago at your request may I add all while doing it by myself with the kids while you were out of the country living your best life with the job you wanted. Man it just hurts like hell and I wish I was not as empathetic as I am. I just about ready to throw in the towel and just sign the papers.

We have pre trial next week and I am feeling like I am going to be told I am asking too much. I was a SAHM for so long I don’t have the financials built up and not do I make as much as he does currently. I am just so over this and feeling very very defeated.

A: I am so sorry about this. That pre-trial next week where you feel like you’ll be told you’re asking too much. This is what I would consider doing. You need to create on a spreadsheet a scenario, where you guys did not have children. This will be utilizing the nursing industry as an example and a timeline where you went to school to become a nurse for example, or a teacher whatever you think your skill set or would’ve been instead of raising children…… now in this scenario, you have to account for all the money you would’ve made over the years, which includes raises in salary and promotions. Don’t hesitate to throw in a scenario where you became an owner owner of a separate company because of your work ethic and knowledge. <—THAT is what u gave up. THAT minus the cost of school that it took to get you to that point is what you’re due in my opinion. So it is your attorneys argument that you need enough money for the ability to take care of yourself right now and go back to school or some trade school to get some type of certification which includes the ability to live somewhere safely with a roof over your head cover all bills, including transportation <— it is your attorneys job to make this argument.

Wishing u peace,


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